Schrödinger’s Safe: Paradox of Data Security in the Quantum Era

Rushil Choksi
6 min readJul 26, 2024


Schrödinger’s cat may have had nine lives, but your data only gets one shot. In the ever-evolving world of quantum computing, the security of your digital life is constantly hanging in a state of uncertainty. Much like the famous thought experiment, this paradox challenges our understanding of data security. Can your data be both secure and vulnerable at the same time? Welcome to Schrödinger’s Safe, where I explore the quantum solution to this perplexing problem and ensure your digital life isn’t left in a quantum limbo.

Source: CNET / CES 2019

Quantum Threat to Traditional Cryptography

Quantum computing isn’t an upgrade to our everyday computer; it’s like going from a bike to a warp-speed spaceship. Where classical computers use bits as the smallest unit of data, quantum computers use qubits, which exist in superposition and have multiple states at once. It is precisely such quantum trickery that makes it a potential game-changer.

Enter Shor’s Algorithm, the quantum computer’s secret weapon against our current encryption methods. Mathematician Peter Shor developed this algorithm, which can factor large numbers exponentially faster than the best classical algorithms. In a nutshell, it can turn the sturdy lock of your “RSA-encrypted data” into a paperclip, exposing your secrets to anyone with access to a powerful quantum computer.

Here’s the kicker: our trusty encryption standards, like RSA and AES, aren’t safe from the quantum threat. They’ve been rock-solid for decades, but with the recent advancements by Nvidia ( on quantum computing on the horizon, they could soon become as effective as a CrowdStrike update that crashes your system.

How is Data Hackable?

Quantum computers have the capability to break classical encryption algorithms like RSA and AES. These newfangled machines are several orders of magnitude faster at calculations than today’s standards. Things that would have taken today’s computers thousands of years to crack could be done within seconds by a quantum computer; this poses enormous threats to our current encryption methods, making them obsolete.

Adversaries may not need to crack your encryption yet; they could gather encrypted data now and store it, waiting for the day they are in possession of quantum computers powerful enough to decrypt it. This “harvest now and decrypt later” strategy thus means today’s information, seemingly secure, might turn out insecure in the long run.

The implications are profound; considering the financial sector, there would be unauthorized access to sensitive transactions and personal financial information. Within healthcare, personal health information may be revealed. As for national security, the possible decryption of classified information and government communications is subject to breaches. The quantum threat is not just some future theory — it’s the upcoming challenge to data security across all sectors.

The Quantum-Resistant Solution

Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) is a next-generation cryptographic algorithm designed to withstand quantum threats. These algorithms intend to safeguard data against future quantum attacks and ensure that encryption remains strong when quantum technology advances.

Lattice-based cryptography is one of the most promising areas in PQC. The NTRU and Kyber algorithms use intricate mathematical problems involving lattices, which are supposedly hard to solve even with quantum computers. The leading tech giants are already working on the implementation of PQCs. Some recent developments include the integration of post-quantum cryptographic protocols into existing security infrastructure, demonstrating the practical feasibility of PQC and the commitment to stay ahead of the quantum threat.

How is Data Unhackable?

PQC relies on mathematical complexity, which is difficult even for quantum computers to solve. This security of the PQC algorithms is based on problems that are really hard to solve lattice-based problems; these make up the basis of PQC and help safeguard it against possible quantum attacks.

Lattice Problems

Two fundamental lattice problems are used in the basis of PQC: the Shortest Vector Problem and the Closest Vector Problem.

  • Shortest Vector Problem: finding the shortest, non-trivial vector in a lattice. In SVP, the hardness lies with an exponential number of possibilities, making it computationally infeasible to solve it efficiently, even for quantum computers. It being NP-hard gives solid security for cryptographic algorithms over lattices.
  • Closest Vector Problem: a problem that involves finding, given any target vector, the closest lattice vector to it. Like SVP, the CVP takes work to determine. The difficulty in solving CVP, being an NP-hard problem, is used in cryptographic schemes to provide strong security against quantum attacks.

Current Implementations

The practicality of PQC is proven to be implemented in real-world applications.

  • NTRU (N-th degree Truncated Polynomial Ring Unit): a lattice-based cryptosystem highly efficient with quantum security. The scheme employs the hardness of lattice problems using polynomial rings to establish a secure public key encryption scheme.
  • Kyber: Based on the Module Learning with Errors problem, this scheme has compact key sizes and versatile properties. It is used for high-speed operations, suitable for key exchange, digital signatures, and encryption. Based on efficiency and security, Kyber is ideal for deploying on memory-constrained devices, like IoT applications.

These implementations illustrate PQC’s prowess in information security against the oncoming quantum threat. While moving to quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithms, organizations future-proof their encryption methods against any potential attacks from better and more enhanced quantum technology.

Dual Reality of Data Security

Our data remains secure because quantum computers are yet to exist at a scale necessary to pose a real threat. Computation power to break these kinds of encryption with today’s technology remains at bay, giving us a reason to rely on existing cryptographic methods.

However, this comfort is temporary. With each step forward that quantum technology takes, so must the development of quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithms. Transitioning to PQC ensures that our data remains secure when powerful quantum computers are a reality; this proactive approach is necessary to protect sensitive information from future threats.

One could consider the data security concept in terms of some fortress; it is quite impenetrable and solid today, but a different type of siege weapon will be developed in the future. Much like medieval castles needed to adapt when cannons were invented, our data security must evolve to withstand quantum attacks. The paradox lies in preparation for a non-existent threat that will be invented in due time; it ensures readiness when that time finally comes.

Challenges and Future Directions

Implementing PQC is not without challenges; the increased computational requirements and the need for new infrastructure can introduce significant hurdles. Current systems must be upgraded to handle the complexities of these algorithms.

Raising public awareness about the quantum threat and the importance of PQC is essential. Policies supporting the adoption of quantum-resistant cryptography need to be developed and enforced. Reflecting the urgency, the White House issued a memorandum mandating federal agencies to transition to quantum-safe cryptographic algorithms.

Since quantum computing poses a significant threat to traditional methods of encryption, industry leaders have begun the integration of post-quantum cryptographic solutions into their current ecosystem. A notable example is the PQ3 protocol by Apple in iMessage, achieving security from “Harvest Now, Decrypt Later” attacks. PQ3 uses hybrid techniques with post-quantum and traditional cryptography that feature periodic re-keying for protection.

Research in PQC is ongoing, with many advancements yet to come. Continuous efforts are required to refine these algorithms and develop new ones that can better withstand quantum attacks. Institutions like NIST are at the forefront of this research, pushing boundaries to ensure we stay ahead of potential threats.


In the quantum era, data security isn’t just about being safe or vulnerable; it’s about embracing the paradox and preparing for both possibilities. As we head into this new frontier, our paradigm toward data security must evolve, guaranteeing a readiness for the challenges and opportunities brought forth by quantum technologies.

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Rushil Choksi
Rushil Choksi

Written by Rushil Choksi

Security Architect Intern @ Sony • Researcher @ ISI • DevSecOps • Cyber Security Enthusiast

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